Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Tumblr : the next big thing

The dominant demographic appears to be Gen Y from my experience with Tumblr. If you're in this demographic you'll probably 'get' Tumblr immediately and find it easy to connect with people like you. If you're not part of this demographic, well, you still have something there. For example, if you are interested in following this demographic, you have to be where we are and Tumblr is now our home on the internet. Find out what we are interested in, what issues are about us, what web pages entertain us. Marketers and enthusiasts in the social media have to keep up with every demographic and Tumblr is the place for Gen Y.

Tumblr is some sort of underground subculture right now, but it'll soon be mainstream. This year Tumblr has seen tremendous growth: by the end of October, averaging 2 million page views a day in January to more than 6 million a day. Back to what I said at the beginning, the announcement that Sequoia Capital will secure funding and a new Product Director means that big things happen to Tumblr. If you are one of those people who are forced to follow internet trends, then this is the one you are watching right now. All I wrote about Tumblr can change as more people begin to use it. After all, according to how people decide to use it, social media always changes. Stay ahead and use Tumblr before you start to lag behind.

I'd love to hear your views if you currently use Tumblr. I would be curious to know why if you used it before and had decided it was not for you. If you have questions about Tumblr, I'd be glad to help you get the most out of your Tumblr experience.